Imagine every candidate being suitable for your role, and all you have to do is assess culture and fit.
Say goodbye to phone screening, qualifying and referencing. All your candidates ranked from best to better.
Move beyond just DEI and do social good. Join us in recycling excess system resources into good for the world.
“It feels like a superpower. We had 150 applicants apply for 1 role. With no screening and using only Higher’s ranking we spoke to just 2 candidates... and hired them both. It took less than 7 days.”
Adrian Duke, CEO
Higher replaces weak references with strong endorsements. Endorsers put down a reasonable but significant sum of their own money in support of the candidate's application to your role.
The endorsement flow guides endorsers through a short, painless process and accepts an endorsement payment. It's fully anonymous and private by default.
Automated shortlisting
Candidates informed every step of the process
Collaborate in real time behind the scenes
Customise the application process to fit your needs
Reach out directly to your candidates’ inboxes
LinkedIn integration
Fully GDPR Compliant
Secure by default
Leanest fees possible